
domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

Building an electrical circuit

You are going to work in groups of 4 pupils to build your own electrical circuit. You must co-operate and decide together on the type of circuit you want to make. You can make something nice but simple.

            Remember to save the shopping tickets to share the cost of the materials.

            Here are some of the materials you may need to buy, or look for, in case you have some at home.

                   SHOPPING LIST                                                               IN THE SHOPS, ASK FOR...

- plywood panel (not too big) 30x30, 40x40, 30x50...

- small light bulbs (eg. for a torch, a fridge...)

- bulb holders

- battery(ies)  3v., 9v.

- insulating tape

- wire (appx. 1 m.)

- switch


- motor, buzzer

- tablero de madera (contrachapado)

- bombillas pequeñitas

- portalámparas

- pilas

- cinta aislante

- cable

- interruptor
Other materials:  toys, cardboard, plasticine, crayons, paint ... and so on.   RECYCLE!!!

Steps to follow:

1)      Design your circuit (3D picture)
2)      Draw your diagram using the circuit symbols on p.77 in your book.
3)      Find the materials you may have at home and go shopping.
4)      Get to work.
5)      Present your project.  LAST DAY- 21st December
a)      drawing and diagram
b)      circuit
c)      oral presentation to the class


                                                                    HAVE FUN!!!

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